Game Saves for Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

Platform: Nintendo Wii, Last updated: 10/16/2011

32 COMMUNITY Game Saves Found 1 2 3 4
  1. sub-best game everything unlock all guns and weapon. save file 1 superhealth easy max cash, save file pro 2 a lot of cash, and save file 3 ada a lot cash. Downloaded 178 times.
  2. the 2 weapons infinite rocket launcher and chicogo typewriter Downloaded 9 times.
2 OFFICIAL Game Saves Found
  1. 01 Begin with Max Ammo and Cash Begin the game with Max Cash and Ammo. 999 in clip and 999 in reserves. Don't reload or pick up handgun ammo until you REALLY need to. - Jay "FNG"
    Downloaded 1820 times.
  2. 02 Max Cash, Super Health and Ammo Begin the game with Max Cash , Super Health and Ammo. (999 in clip and 999 in reserves.) Don't reload or pick up handgun ammo until you REALLY need to. - Jay "FNG"
    Downloaded 5670 times.