My memory card is not being recognised. I may have installed the drivers incorrectly.


Product: Action Replay
Platform: XBox
Type: FAQs
Originally posted: 25/07/2008
Last updated: 25/07/2008
Viewed: 22965 times


To reinstall the drivers:


1. Click START -> SETTINGS -> CONTROL PANEL. Double- click on ‘Add New Hardware’.


2. When prompted, select that you want to ‘select the Hardware from a list’.


3. Select ‘Other Devices’ from the list of hardware and then click ‘Next’.


4. Click on the Have Disk button. Enter ‘C:\Program Files\Datel\ActionReplay Xbox\Drivers’ under the box to ‘Copy manufacturer`s files from’.


5. Select the ‘Action Replay Xbox’ and Click Next.


6. When prompted, click ‘Finish’ and restart your computer.

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